
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Community Church has a strong history of reaching out to others locally and throughout the world. Opportunities frequently arise to provide assistance and spread the Word of God outside our walls. Whether we individually participate in blood drives on a Sunday morning, partner with local ministries serving our local community or travel as a group to areas outside our community for disaster relief and mission trips, we are always seeking ways to serve God’s people.

Missionaries and Mission Partners We Pray for and Support!

Pat and Melenda Edmiston

Pat and Melenda Edmiston

Wycliffe Bible Translators
The Edmiston’s are from Casselberry and grew up in our church.  Pat and Melenda traveled in early February to Papua New Guinea, where they served for 23 years, returning for the first time since completing and dedicating the Alamblak New Testament.   Pat is currently in Nigeria working with different language groups to translate the New Testament.  Melenda is working in Florida with new Wycliffe members.  For more information, go to

Madeline Goodrum

Campus Outreach of Central Florida
Maddie grew up at Community Church, from the nursery all the way through the Student ministry.
After graduation, she felt a call to work with the college ministry at Southeastern University in Lakeland, FL, a ministry which seeks to introduce college students to Christ and disciple them in the Word of God.  You can find more information about Campus Outreach at www.cocentralflorida.org. 

Johnny and Rachel Bruder

Karim and Lily Hamis

Bruders in Berlin
Johnny and Rachel Bruder are currently stationed in Berlin, Germany, with a passion to bring the freedom of Jesus Christ to women who are currently involved in sex trafficking and prostitution.  They also teach Bibles studies and distribute needed supplies to those they minister to in Berlin.  For more information, go to https://novo.org/. 
Lily grew up here at Community Church, and she is currently serving with Youth with a Mission.   She is certified to Teach English as a Second Language, has completed “Word By Heart” (a bible school at YWAM Orlando), and has attended the  School of Cross Cultural Missions.   Her heart is with the people of Tanzania, and currently serves there in gospel ministry with her husband, Karim.   For more information, go to

Local Ministries and Organizations We Support

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom

Let us know if you want to be a part of local outreach opportunities or mission trips.  We offer a variety of opportunities for all ages so all can use their gifts to share the Good News. 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.