Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Community Church has a strong history of reaching out to others locally and throughout the world. Opportunities frequently arise to provide assistance and spread the Word of God outside our walls. Whether we individually participate in blood drives on a Sunday morning, partner with local ministries serving our local community or travel as a group to areas outside our community for disaster relief and mission trips, we are always seeking ways to serve God’s people.

Missionaries, Mission Partners, Local Ministries and Organizations We Support

Check out the websites for our Missionaries and Mission Partners:
Lily and Karim Hamis - https://ywam.org/
Pat and Melenda Edmiston: https://wycliffe.org/
Maddie Goodrum: https://www.cocentralflorida.org/
Tina Kadolph: https://lovemissions.net/
Mark Nelson: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/
Johnny and Rachel Bruder: https://novo.org/
Andrea Krazeise: https://thepregnancycenters.com/
Ariel Lee and Christian Sloane: https://www.converge.org/
Red Bird Missions: https://www.redbirdky.org/
The Sharing Center: https://thesharingcenter.org/
Christian Help: https://www.christianhelp.org/
Residing Hope: https://residinghope.org/
Lily and Karim Hamis - https://ywam.org/
Pat and Melenda Edmiston: https://wycliffe.org/
Maddie Goodrum: https://www.cocentralflorida.org/
Tina Kadolph: https://lovemissions.net/
Mark Nelson: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/
Johnny and Rachel Bruder: https://novo.org/
Andrea Krazeise: https://thepregnancycenters.com/
Ariel Lee and Christian Sloane: https://www.converge.org/
Red Bird Missions: https://www.redbirdky.org/
The Sharing Center: https://thesharingcenter.org/
Christian Help: https://www.christianhelp.org/
Residing Hope: https://residinghope.org/
We also support these organizations:
Sterling Park Elementary School (Volunteering and Food Pantry Donations)
Seminole County Jail Ministry (Christmas Jail Bags)
One Blood (Blood Donation Drives)
Second Harvest Food Bank (Volunteering and Donations)
Community Church Thanksgiving Meal (Every year on Thanksgiving Day)
Faith Responders Disaster Ministry
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom
Let us know if you want to be a part of local outreach opportunities or mission trips. We offer a variety of opportunities for all ages so all can use their gifts to share the Good News.