O Sing to the LORD a new song,
for He has done marvelous things!
Psalm 98:1
One of our goals here at Community Church is to WORSHIP PASSIONATELY! We take that very seriously! On any given Sunday, you will experience the Living God through singing (lots of that!), instruments in worship, prayer, drama, banners and flags in pageantry, baptisms, the elements of the Lord’s Supper, and of course, excellent teaching. These elements are there, not to perform for anyone, but to allow God space to interact with His people in real tangible ways. There are many ways to get involved in the music and worship ministry. It’s not just music, but anything that will help us all to know Christ more, and to make Him known to the world.
Here are some ways to get involved:
Here are some ways to get involved:
Worship Choir
Our worship choir exists to glorify God. This talented and spiritual group is made up of ordinary people who want to lead the congregation in worship. People come from all walks of life, and a variety of musical abilities. We make a joyful noise most Sundays! We inspire the congregation to passionately worship God! This wonderful group cares for each other, prays for each other, and fellowships together, sometimes even out of the sanctuary! We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00pm in the choir room.
All are welcome! Give us a try!
All are welcome! Give us a try!
Vocal Praise Team
These singers are selected from the choir. They add harmonies to the worship songs and help lead worship. These musicians give above and beyond to work on learning extra music on their own and in extra rehearsals. If you are interested in participating in this ensemble, join the choir. That's the first step. Then Let Bev Ingraham, our Director of Music and Worship, know of your interest.

Worship Band
Each Sunday, our worship is accompanied by a rhythm section, usually consisting of a drummer, bass guitar, rhythm and/or electric guitar, and keyboards. A certain proficiency level in music is required for this group. Auditions are required. Other instruments are used during worship that add a richness to our worship. We are gifted with a harpist in residence who shares her gifts. Other instrumentalists are also welcome in worship.

Banner Ministry
Worship at Community Church is often enhanced with banners and flags. Since we worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we like to come before Him in worship with pageantry and fanfare. After all, He is WORTHY OF PRAISE and our WORSHIP! We are always looking for banner carriers, and other to help with altar props and decorations for specific events. This would be a great way to get involved in Worship ministry at Community Church!

Tech Ministry
We do use modern technology each Sunday in worship. We are always looking for volunteers to run the sound board for the musicians, run the presentation software, and run the cameras for our livestream. If you are a "techie," we have a place for you to serve!
Drama Ministry
There are several opportunities each year for budding thespians! We seasonally perform dramas and musicals for our community. We would love to incorporate dramas in worship as well, as God brings people to our church with those gifts. If drama is your thing, we have a place for you!

Beverly Ingraham is our Music and Worship Director.
She would be glad to talk with you about any of these
ministries. Please feel free to email her at
beverly@casselberry church.org. She will get back
to you as soon as possible.
She would be glad to talk with you about any of these
ministries. Please feel free to email her at
beverly@casselberry church.org. She will get back
to you as soon as possible.